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NASA has calculated the day when all life on Earth will cease to exist.

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, the clock ticks ominously for humanity, as revealed by NASA's grand computational oracles.

The unsettling notion is clear: our tenure on Earth is not eternal. We must embark on a quest, a search for a sanctuary beyond our blue planet, lest we fall victim to the very star that once nurtured us.

The main culprit? Our own Sun, with its unpredictable solar flares and radiations, which might one day rob our planet of its protective blanket. While this celestial ballet unfolds, researchers delve deep into simulations, iterating through countless scenarios to predict our planet's fate.

It's worth noting that, while some of these predictive tales seem far-fetched, venturing into every potentiality is the essence of scientific pursuit.

After running the cosmic model an astounding 400 times, a chilling consensus emerges.

The Sun, in its relentless dance of fusion, threatens to strip our world of its life-giving atmosphere. Deoxygenation, a process catalyzed by the Sun’s fury, is foreseen to culminate in approximately 1,000,002,021 years.

But as humanity’s footprint deepens and our impact on Earth's environment evolves, this prophetic timeline too may shift. Only time, and our own actions, will unveil the final act of this cosmic drama.

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