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A Massive 10 Million-Strong Megalithic City Unearthed


In recent years, cutting-edge technologies have opened new windows into our past, particularly in unraveling the true scale of ancient civilizations whose ruins have long been buried by time and nature. Many significant archaeological sites have suffered not only at the hands of tomb raiders and future settlements but also due to the relentless forces of Mother Nature. Despite this, some sites have been preserved enough to reveal their grandeur and the extent of these once-great civilizations.

One of the most remarkable discoveries in recent times is a hidden metropolis beneath the dense forests of Guatemala. Initially believed to be separate habitation sites, advanced radar technology has unveiled that these clearings are, in fact, part of an enormous city, intricately complex and home to over 10 million inhabitants in its prime. This revelation not only supports theories of a much more extensive and advanced ancient history but also poses new questions about our understanding of past civilizations.

A complex of Maya pyramids in Guatemala as seen via lidar.
 Credit: "LiDAR analyses in the contiguous Mirador-Calakmul Karst Basin, Guatemala: an introduction to new perspectives on regional early Maya socioeconomic and political organization," by Richard D. Hansen et al., in Ancient Mesoamerica, Published online by Cambridge University Press December 5, 2022 (CC BY 4.0)

The site includes megalithic blocks, some positioned in unusual ways, which have been known and documented for nearly a century. Recent studies have shown that these megalithic blocks were not merely local stone formations but were cut and transported to their current locations, indicating they were part of a vast settlement. This challenges the long-held belief that they were constructed by the Mayans, suggesting instead the involvement of a much older and technologically advanced civilization.

This mega settlement in Guatemala is just one example among many globally that hint at lost civilizations. From the enigmatic Borobudur in Indonesia, one of the largest Buddhist monuments in the world, to the mysterious underground structures known as the Dane Holes in England, these sites share common features – they are incredibly well-constructed and suggest a level of technological advancement not attributed to the cultures that later inhabited them.

The discovery of these ancient sites, often hidden beneath vegetation or earth, poses significant questions: Who were the builders of these incredible structures? How did they achieve such architectural feats with the technology presumed available to them? And perhaps most intriguingly, why were many of these sites abandoned and lost to history?

As we continue to use modern technologies like LIDAR and ground-penetrating radar, we are slowly peeling back the layers of time to reveal a history that is far more complex and astounding than previously thought. These discoveries not only challenge our understanding of ancient civilizations but also invite us to consider the possibility of a much richer and more diverse human history than what is currently recorded.

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